Find It Quickly:
0:00 • Stephanie: Welcome and Introductions
0:21 • About Cassie, Cassie’s Teaching Experience and Role at the IEP Table
1:36 • Question 1: How do you know when a student needs a behavior plan? And what do you do if you believe a student would benefit from a behavior plan?
3:22 • Question 2: What needs to go in the Present Levels in relation to any behaviors a student may be exhibiting?
6:02 • Question 3: Is there one best way to describe a student’s behavior in the Present Levels?
7:42 • Question 4: How does this information in the PLOP align with IEP goals?
11:25 • Question 5: If you had to share one BIG piece of advice for aligning the Present Levels and IEP goals to behavior, what would it be?
12:49 • Thank you, and where viewers can find Cassie.

Where to Find Cassie:
Blog | Facebook | TpT | Instagram

Intentional IEP Resources:
The Difference Between IEP Goals and Objectives
Behavior Interventions for Any Situation

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