

Adaptive Skills

Essential skills for everyday living and basic needs; socializing, problem solving, interacting with the environment, self care, decision making, communication


Communicating feelings; regulation, soothing, redirection, increase desired, decrease undesired, safety, socialization

Blind/Visual Impairment

Interacting with the environment with the available senses and utilizing strengths; reading, comprehension, access to environment, navigation, self-care

Cognitive Skills

Essential skills for thriving within the environment; attention, response, processing, flexibility, memory, categorization, pattern recognition


Expression with others; socialization, wants and needs, assistive technology, making requests


Preparation of food for oneself or others; interacting within the kitchen, safety, identification of ingredients, using tools, following directions

Core Vocabulary

Essential words used in daily living; making requests, responding, symbols, abstract images, icons, pictures, forming sentences

Deaf/Hard of Hearing

Interacting with the environment meaningfully with available senses and utilizing strengths; navigation, comprehension, communication, socialization

Emotional Regulation

Recognizing and controlling feelings and emotions; soothing, identifying feelings, explaining feelings, conflict resolution, communication, replacement behaviors

English Language Arts

Study of the English language and how it is used; reading, comprehension, listening, speaking, writing

Executive Functioning

Essential skills for daily living; self-awareness, inhibition, working memory, emotional regulation, self motivation, planning, problem solving

Fine Motor

Coordination of small muscle movements; eyes, fingers, toes, lips, wrists, tongue; eating, grasping, eye gaze

Gross Motor

Coordination of large muscle movements; arms, legs, trunk; rolling over, sitting, standing, balancing, crawling, walking, running, jumping, climbing, twisting

Independent Functioning

Interacting with the environment independently to care for oneself; opening packages, eating, using the bathroom, following directions, participation, following routines, transitions, self-soothing, communication, socialization


Written or symbolic communication; alphabet, phonemes, phonetic awareness, high-frequency words

Life Skills

Skills which can help individuals thrive in their every day life; cooking, cleaning, following schedules, interactions within the community, communication, safety


Bodies of text; fiction, nonfiction; comprehension, application, demonstration of understanding, forming opinions


Study and application of numbers, counting, patterns, space, measurement

Occupational Therapy

Therapeutic interventions to remediate deficits in fine motor skills and skills essential for daily living; grasp, feeding, writing, dressing, bathroom usage

Physical Therapy

Therapeutic interventions to remediate deficits in gross motor skills; navigating the environment, balancing, sitting, standing


Engaging in activities for enjoyment rather than to meet a given objective; individual, parallel, joint, imaginative; socialization, communication, emotional regulation


Skills which are essential to prepare to enter the workforce and/or integrate into the community; following schedules and procedures, preparing resumes and portfolios, communication with peers, interviews


Understanding of written words and their meanings; alphabet, high-frequency words, sentences, paragraphs, comparing, contrasting, forming opinions, explaining


Awareness of how to navigate the environment without injury to oneself or others; following rules, emotional regulation, social skills, communication


Studying the physical and natural environment; observation, inferencing, experimenting, hypothesizing

Self Awareness

Awareness of oneself as it relates to the environment; feelings, emotional regulation, communication of wants and needs, maintaining safety, recognizing consequences

Sensory Integration

Combining sensory needs with activities in order to enhance learning; movement, sounds, speech, touch, balance, awareness of space

Social Emotional

Identification and understanding of socialization and emotions; self regulation, self soothing, communication, conflict resolution, play, friendships

Social Skills

Essential skills for maintaining meaningful relationships and interactions with others; self regulation, emotional regulation, conflict resolution, sharing items and experiences, joint attention, acknowledgement

Social Studies/History

Study of the past and present; geography, politics, government


Words or sounds which are vocalized meaningfully; communication, articulation, fluency, rhythm

Study Skills

Skills which assist with effective learning; memorization, recalling, comprehension, time management, organization, research, note taking


Understanding and using technological items; tablets, computers, keyboard, mouse, monitor, headphones, microphones; navigating web browsers, research, communication


Ending one task and beginning another; self regulation, emotional regulation, self soothing, contingencies, following directions, participating in routines, understanding schedules

Transition in School

Studying the transition to self-advocacy and integration within the community


Interacting with the environment with available senses and using strengths; reading, task completion, navigation, communication, independence


Skills which are essential to participate in the work force; following expectations, communication, interaction with peers, learning trades and skills

Work Habits

Skills which are essential to thrive within the work environment; self regulation, initiating tasks, following directives, communication with peers, following schedules, adhering to guidelines


Expression of language with utensils or technology; use of writing tools, letter formation, words, sentences, organized paragraphs, expression

Written Expression

Using written language to communicate; writing, typing, persuasion, explanation, communication
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