The collaboration that helps you write individualized IEPs more effectively and efficiently.
The Intentional IEP helps you in determining IEP goals, and we all know what comes after choosing IEP goals – accommodations and modifications. Enter Accomods.
Like The Intentional IEP, Accomods is a membership based website.And Accomods provides interactive access to accommodations and modifications based on your students’ IEP present levels and goals.
We all know that accommodations should be individualized based on each teachers’ classroom, and that the key to effective inclusionare good accommodations. As special education teachers with students who may be attending a general education classroom for any part of the day, we also know that we need that teacher’s input for the child’s IEP. This includes having conversations and collaboration on the accommodations and modifications that will be utilized in that classroom.
You can watch the video below to learn more about Accomods from Tim,founder of Action Driven Education and Accomods.
Long story short…
Accomods was developed with the goal of empowering both specialeducation teachers AND general education teachers to select andimplement individualized accommodations that support a child around their needs. This video shows you how.
Accomods is interactive and simple to use. Gone are the days of searching through lists and wondering which accommodations are appropriate for a child’s needs.
Accomods works great for pre-referral interventions too! Accommodations are at the heart of pre-referral systems, such asIST and MTSS – so by providing access to general ed teachers you’re able to make these systems work better… reducing referrals and lowering IEP caseloads!
Develop, export and share a detailed plan of accommodations that can be copied and pasted into IEP’s and/or emailed to the entire team. See the video above at minute 2:28 for a preview of the entire Accomods system.