Find It Quickly:
0:00 • Stephanie: Welcome and Introductions
0:27 • About Sam, Sam’s Education Experience and Role at the IEP Table
2:35 • Question 1: Do you think that a child can be too young to be a part of the IEP process?
4:03 • Question 2: What does or what can including a child in the IEP process look like? And how do you explain what a child’s IEP is to the child?
6:41 • Question 3: Do you let parents know that you are including their child in the IEP proces
7:39 • Question 4: How do you include a young learner during an IEP meeting, if at all? (Examples shown in video).
14:25 • Question 5: Do you take pictures on your phone, or do you have a special device for that? How do you go through with [a student] or your students to pick all these pictures?
23:33 • Question 6: What is your one best piece of advice for including young learners in the IEP process?
27:54 • Thank you, and where viewers can find Sam.

Where to Find Sam:
TpT | Instagram
Find Sam’s IEP Student Interview Questions Freebie here.

Intentional IEP Resources:
Including Students in the IEP Process
Keeping IEPs Student Focused

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