Why are IEPs Important?

We all know what IEP’s are- Individualized Education Programs. However, we may not understand why an IEP is so important! Did you know that IEPs didn’t even exist until 1975? Before that, millions of children with disabilities were denied a free, appropriate public education (FAPE) due to their disabilities. IEPs give students legal protection, and […]

General Ed Teachers: Here’s What You Need to Know About IEPs

General education teachers have a lot on their plates, just like special education teachers do. General ed have an entire classroom to manage, papers to grade, and a million things to think about on a day-to-day basis. With full inclusion becoming the norm in most school districts around the country, general education teachers who may […]

Special Ed Jargon Everyone Should Know

No matter what subject you teach, chances are that you will eventually teach students with IEPs. Because of this, it’s important that you know common special ed jargon! The Oxford Dictionary defines jargon as “special words or expressions that are used by a particular profession or group and are difficult for others to understand.” This […]

Quick Tips for Holding a Virtual IEP Meeting

Schools must ensure parents have an opportunity to participate in the IEP process, including the IEP meeting. If a parent requests a virtual meeting, the school must consider and provide reasonable accommodations. If in-person attendance is not feasible, IDEA allows participation via: When it comes to holding an IEP meeting, we know that under the […]

Important Special Ed Acronyms All IEP Team Members Should Know

LRE? FBA? LMNOP? Anything associated with special education can sound like alphabet soup to the untrained ear, and as special educators we talk in a special lingo – re: acronyms and jargon. Knowing special education acronyms and jargon is crucial for several reasons, especially for special education teachers, parents, and service providers. The IEP Process […]

3 Benefits of Using an IEP at a Glance

Depending on the severity of a child’s disability, IEP’s can contain a massive amount of information! Although all of the information on an IEP is important for documentation purposes, there are some parts that need highlighted for proper IEP implementation. But how do we make sure that teachers get enough information about a student with […]

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